Since the day The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India announced its new scheme of education and training a lot of speculations has been made for the course details, the new reforms in the syllabus etc. Being the institute’s stakeholder a student ought to be curious about the changes proposed by ICAI. The new syllabus proposed by the CA Institute is quite competitive and promising and I can see good hope for the students in it. However, while this blog is published the institute was yet to announce the syllabus for the revised course and also the new syllabus was yet to be approved by Ministry of Corporate Affairs. However, the approval is expected anytime in late January and early February.
CA Foundation New Syllabus 2023
There are 4 papers in the revised syllabus.
Paper 1:
Accounting (100 Marks)
Paper 2:
Business Laws (100 Marks)
Paper 3:
Quantitative Aptitude (100 Marks)
Business Mathematics
Logical reasoning
Paper 4:
Business Economics (100 Marks)
Another salient feature of the course:
- Business Correspondence and Reporting is not being separately included in the new course. Instead to facilitate and equip students in rural areas and other students who have undergone school education in a medium other than English, with the requisite communication skills, an online course to be launched on English/Business Communication, which would be recommendatory.
Eligibility for admission and appearance in Foundation Examination
- Register with BOS after passing class 10 examinations.
Appear in Foundation examination after appearing in Class 12 examination and completing minimum study period of 4 months before the 1st day of the month in which examination is held.
Validity of registration
- 4 years from the date of registration.
- No revalidation permitted.
(If a candidate is not able to clear Foundation Exam within 4 years of registration, he can opt for alternative route of direct entry to Intermediate Course subject to fulfilling stipulated conditions.)
Passing Criteria:
50% in each paper (with negative marking -25% for each wrong answer to MCQ’s in paper 3 and 4).
Once you clear the CA Foundation exam then you shall be eligible for the next level i.e., CA Intermediate.
The aim of this blog is to give you brief about the new scheme of education and training for CA Foundation. I hope it helped.