CA Intermediate is one of the important phase in your entire CA Journey. When the exams are just few days away then you have to buckle up with your preparations. Let’s take a look at the effective study plan for CA Intermediate May 2025 exam. Your classes would be complete till date and hence you can dedicate your entire time for self study. Lets dive in for the tips.
- Quality over Quantity: You must have heard a lot that you should study for at least 18 hrs etc. To be honest, how you study is more important than how much time you study.
- Divide your day: Divide your entire day into small chunks of 2-2.5 hrs each. Dedicate each subject to a particular slot. Also, allocate the subjects smartly to each slot. Put theory subjects for slots when you are completely fresh and enthusiastic, and practical subjects can be allocated to slots when you feel a bit lazy.
- Practice problems: Practicing as many problems as you can for each chapter of practical subjects like Costing, Advanced Accounting, Financial Management, and Taxation would help you a lot. The problem may look easy, but when you solve it yourself, you shall know the level of understanding required for it.
- Mark questions while solving: While solving the practical problems, you must mark the problems with ABC. A – most difficult, B – bit difficult, C – simple, etc. Also, star-mark some tricky problems that you must revise before exams.
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- Make your own short notes: For theory subjects like Corporate Law, Strategic Management (SM), Audit, etc., you must make your own short notes, charts, mnemonics, and this shall be very helpful for your revision before exams.
- How to strategize while solving the paper: For every paper, you have Part I MCQs for 30 marks. I know even MCQs for CA Inter would be tricky, but make sure you answer them correctly. Also, there is no negative marking for these MCQs, so attempt every MCQ diligently.
- Be careful with OMR Sheet: The students have to answer the MCQ in the OMR sheet, so be careful while answering it.
- How to answer descriptive questions: Descriptive answers should always be answered point-wise. Underline the important points. Be precise in answering the questions. Draw figures wherever necessary.
Step-by-Step Preparation Plan for CA Inter Jan 2026 Exam
- Solve MTPs, RTPs, and past exam question papers: There is no shortcut to this as you need to solve as many practice papers as possible so you enter the exam hall with confidence.
- Also, appear for at least 2 test series: Appearing for test series is really important as you can sense the exam pressure, get your papers checked, and get to know about your mistakes beforehand. Appearing for test series boosts your confidence to the next level for your exams.
- Create balance: Just studying and not engaging in any other activity might decrease your academic productivity. So do engage in any activity of your liking for just a few minutes to rejuvenate.
- Create a realistic study plan: Creating an overwhelming and unachievable study plan won’t fetch you any results. Take appropriate breaks while you study so that you don’t get lethargic.
- Your day before study plan: A day before the exam is really crucial. Please don’t be affected by your performance in the paper that’s gone. Don’t even think about it. I know easier said than done, but this shall help you concentrate on your next paper.
- The Day: Honestly speaking, no one can predict the difficulty level of any paper of CA Intermediate. Those 3 hours of paper-solving are most crucial; they can either make you or break you. Calm yourself down before the exam. Concentrate on just your writing and ignore everyone else. Be confident that you have prepared enough for your exams and that nobody can defeat you in your goal.
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- Stationery, calculator, etc.: Your stationery, calculator, pen, etc., are really crucial. I would suggest you use the stationery, calculator, etc., which you wish to use in the exam for your self-study and CA Inter classes as well. This shall be very beneficial for you as you develop a sense of control over the stationery better. Also, you have to use a black ballpoint pen only to answer questions for CA Intermediate.
- Be calm: Don’t panic for the exam. You shall achieve what you wish to. Just have confidence in yourself, and you shall achieve good results.
I hope this blog was useful for you. Mitkary’s CAPS Academy is a renowned CA Coaching class in Nagpur. We have a legacy of 46 years in Commerce Education. Feel free to connect with us for any CA Intermediate query.