Success is not final, failure is not fatal, it is the courage to continue that counts. So, friends don’t let any examination failure affect you but instead ponder on these pointers below and gear up for an enthusiastic study and amazing results.
1. Think on why you failed: After giving a deep thought on the reasons for your examination failure you shall definitely get a way for the future because deep thinking shall always help you get a fruitful result. Learn from your past mistakes and start preparing afresh for your next exam.
2. Prepare in advance: Preparing in advance is always the key. If you have ample of time in your hand you shall not panic, and it shall also give you the confidence to prepare better and spare enough time for revision. The CA exams (may it be Foundation or Intermediate or Final) has huge syllabus so give each subject enough time.
3. Revise thoroughly: Revision is the key to scoring good marks in the CA exams. Keep enough time for atleast revising the entire syllabus 3 times.
4. Don’t ever forget to finish the RTPs and mock tests: The resources provided by ICAI are really hands-on and one should never forget to go through the latest RTP’s and mock test papers.
5. Test Series: Attempting few test series before exam shall give you enough confidence and boost to scoring high in the exams.
6. Avoid getting anxious the hour before exam: The day of the exam is really crucial as it can be a game changer and hence be calm on the day of the exam and just stay positive you shall definitely succeed.
7. Stay away from negative people: Negativity is what drowns one down. Stay away from negative people, situations and all the things that drop down your energy.
8. It’s crucial to get enough rest in between exams: Yes, studying just too many hours a day shall not fetch you much result if you don’t take enough rest. Don’t drain your entire energy before exam, take enough rest and trust yourself.
These are a few pointers that shall definitely help your clear your next CA exam with ease. Hope it helped. Stay connected.
How to Overcome CA Examination Failure ?
