
How to overcome CA Intermediate failure ?

CA Inter

I know guys failure hurts a lot and its really difficult to overcome it. However, being a CA student we are somewhere prepared for some failure here or there. So, let’s condense the pointers on how you can overcome your CA Intermediate failure:

Time to introspect:

Well, you like it or not lets this be the first step as this would really help you on where exactly you went wrong. Don’t lie to yourself in this. List down your weak and strong subjects, the topics that you left and were important, the concepts that are important and you did not practice well. All this shall help you to not repeat the same mistakes again and help you crack the next CA Intermediate exams with amazing marks.

Make a schedule:

Next step shall be making a revised schedule and mind you it is practically no one else who shall make you a schedule as you know what works best for you. Also make a realistic schedule and increase the study time gradually so that studies be an enjoyable process to help you reach your goal and does not be a means to your stress.

Prepare in advance:

This time do not forget to start well before time and just keep enough time for atleast 3 revisions before exams and to give all the test series and solve all the mock test papers before exams. This really helps a lot. CA Intermediate syllabus is huge and you
need to keep that well in mind.

ICAI stuff for revision:

Do not underestimate the power of all the RTP, MTP, amendments that ICAI provides for the latest exam. It shall be your duty to go through all this thoroughly.

Test series:

It is many times observed that students fail not due to lack of concepts but due to lack of time management and this is where test series plays a vital role. It helps you create the exam vibe well before exam and also gives you a fair idea of where you are going wrong. How to manage those crucial 3 hours. They say it is always better to fumble in a mock test rather than the failing in the exam. So do enroll for some test series and attempt it like it’s the exam and get the desired results.

Avoid getting anxious before exam:

I know it’s easier said than done but you need to do it. Anxiety shall only add on more stress. Listen to some calming music, meditate, go sit in silence but do not let anxiety hit you. Remember you have done enough preparations and now nobody can stop you for winning.

Stay away from negative people and all the distractions:

Basically, stay away from anything that steals your peace of mind. May it be your friends, relatives or even some nasty neighbor
you just need to stay away and let your results speak for you. Also, social media distractions should be kept at bay so that you have enough focus on your goal.

The Day:

So now that you have prepared enough for your CA Intermediate exam it’s time to let the exam days also be a smooth sailing. 8 days of exams (if you are giving both groups) is really huge and the pressure that comes up with it is humongous. Please do not think of quitting mid-way just because some paper was not as per your expectations. Remember it is time for you to give your best shot and let ICAI do the rest. So, come what may, let us give the exams with full thrust.

With this note lets end todays blog and All the Best for your preparation.

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