
Parent’s role in helping their child clear CA Exams

CA Exams

In the society that we live in, parents nurture and take care of their children. They provide them with excellent education. Parents are, and will always be the child’s first teacher. It is the motivation of the parents that shall have a long-lasting impact on the child. Which parent does not want the best for their child? So here I am, writing something for the parent. Let us get started!

As a parent, we shall always want our child to excel in everything good that he/she does. But, many times parents do not realise that they also have a pivotal role to play in their child’s accomplishment. Here are some points to ponder upon while helping your child clear CA exams.

  1. The first and the most important point is never ever compare your child’s progress with any of your neighbour’s or relative’s child. Let us stop the trend of ’Sharmaji ke bete ko toh dekhe’. This shall hurt the child deeply. Understand his journey, his achievements. His progress is completely different from that of the other child. CA coaching is especially hard on the child. Therefore, to maintain his mental stability, don’t go into comparisons. Instead, teach your child to compete with himself/herself.
  2. Give your child his/her own space to study and do things. Do not intervene much in his learning process because he is mature enough to handle things. It might be difficult to accept the fact that your child has grown and now possesses the ability to take decisions for himself or herself. However, accept this fact and respect it. Let your child explore, fall and grow. What you can do in this whole process is being there for him/her.
  3. Allow him to ditch few or may be many social events like marriage, get-togethers, etc. because he is probably giving more time to his studies rather than anything else. CA coaching requires dedicated efforts and a dedicated amount of time to apply these efforts. By pressurizing your child into social events, you might be indirectly not supporting him/her. So understand his preferences. Help your child do better in CA coaching so that he can clear his CA exams.
  4. Keep your expectations low. Do not burden your child by always telling him/her that we expect you to pass in first attempt or by saying enough of attempts now you need to clear it or with the fact that he is attending the best CA coaching institute. Understand that it is a professional exam and it shall take time for some and some may crack it in the very first attempt itself. If it is not you, then who shall better understand you child. Besides, believe me, he is the person who wants to clear it at the earliest, because that vicious circle of 6 months is really scary.
  5. If possible, keep at bay all the distractions from your child and help them achieve their goal. Your child must definitely be attending some CA coaching classes. These classes take care of completing the syllabus. However, the real studying happens when the child studies on his own. This self-study mostly happens at home. Create a conducive atmosphere at home, which will motivate your child to learn and study better, which in-turn will help him grow.
  6. At CAPS Academy, we always advice our students to eat fresh, home-cooked food so that they are all healthy for the exams. Parents know best about their child’s health. Feed your child nutritious foods which will help him concentrate on CA coaching and exams.
  7. Never try to divert them from their goals by giving them other career options; specially, when they are in CA Final, because if they have come this far, then they are bound to make it. So, have faith in your child and also God. Your prayers shall not go wasted.
  8. As a parent, it is obvious to have many expectations from your child. However, it is in the best interest of your child if you keep them to yourself. Let them feel supported, motivated and cared for at all times.
  9. Give your child a positive atmosphere so that they are able to concentrate on CA coaching better.
  10. Last but not the least, keep your child always positively motivated with your words and actions so that they are able to fight this big battle of Chartered Accountancy. This battle is really a tough one and without your cooperation, it shall be difficult for the child. Do understand your child and let them add those two alphabets of trust in front of their name and make you feel proud about them.

I hope this blog provided you some useful insights. Until we meet next, stay healthy and stay blessed.

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